My wife and I created this animated short in my senior year of college. The story is based on my personal experiences in local small-town theater. While directing non-actors - many antics, frustrations, and comedy can ensue. I had been wanting to create a 3D animated short for awhile, and I thought this story would be the perfect subject for my first attempt. 
We had a month to create the short, so keeping the characters simple was imperative. I designed the characters as droids, which would later be easy to model, texture, and rig for animation. Instead of implementing hyper realism, which would be time consuming for my timeline, I employed a painterly art style that was inspired by "The Clone Wars" tv show. It proved very effective and fun to play with.
My wife did the voice work for the green droid, while I voiced the blue droid. We had a fabulous time voicing these two characters and bringing them to life with our silly performances. The short was selected and screened in the Stageworks Film Exhibition.

3D Modeling


Green Droid: Randi Reardon 
Blue Droid: Brendan Reardon
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